Sunday Music Calling….

Sundays are easy!! Sunday’s are always about kicking back and listening to favourite tunes…but, we have been chatting about party lines, old phones, and phone boxes this week so some more about what I remember about early phone use:-

1) The phone was generally located in the hallway, often by the front door. This was usually the coldest part of anyone’s house. Everyone sat on the stairs to talk on the phone – having to lean into the wall if anyone wanted to shuffle past with a basket load of laundry.

2) You had to ask permission from a parent to even think about using the phone; they would glare at you after 15 minutes of chatter, and then shout at you to hang up at around the 40 minute mark.

3) Without fail my mum would say: Who’s that? whenever the phone rang without moving a muscle to answer it.

4) My sister would use the phone as a weapon of abuse. If we’d had a row [often] she’d dramatically dial up a friend and tell them, loudly, how vile I was and what she thought of me. So childish.

5) I hated waiting for boys to call me – devastated if they didn’t – too embarrassed to speak if they did because of my mum and sister hovering in the background.

An appropriate bit of Sunday Music for Mitzi

Did You See?

It’s Saturday. This is my 4th post of my 10 day stint!! I know, time is flying and Jon will be home before he knows it, his holiday already receding into the past in 6 days time…
Anyhow as it is Saturday, and we all want to chill, I am simply going to upload some weather pictures that feature sky…and er…clouds and weathery imagery. But, quick question: Did anybody see The Northern lights last weekend??? I saw nothing – I did have a picture of a black sky. I have excluded it from this little gallery of the weather that was this week…

Have a lovely weekend! Or feel free to continue the chat about party lines and telephone boxes.

P.S Click on the gallery to make big to see the weather in all its glory!

Lost Time and Loopy Letters…

As a child I could often be found in the living room studying the Yellow pages. My natural inclination has always been to gather information – any information – stuff about plumbers; electricians; piano tuners; and even astroturf. When I grew up the internet came along and I found myself lost in a vast vat of Yellow pages – a veritable walk-in wardrobe of cobblers…

Well, that all sounds a bit peculiar. This is because I have lost the last 5,623 words of this post and I can’t be bothered to type them out again – especially the morose bit about feeling like an unwanted dog at a rescue centre.

Crikey, the gist of it was that I spend too much time fannying about on the internet to get anything done, and I have lost opportunities because of this – AND that I feel sad about all of that. And I regret all the time I have wasted reading about stuff that really is none of my concern.
However – I DO NOT REGRET BLOGGING!!! I mean the random surfing stuff.

Right, that’ll do. I really DO have OTHER STUFF to get on with. AND, be very grateful that those 5,623 whining words were lost as you might have been tempted to read them.

My most recent collage:-


gilded g on dictionary page experiment

I so want to make more collages with calligraphy….
This is the first bit of gilding I’ve done for a few years, I think. It’s a bit rough around the edges as it was an experiment to find out if I could gild on to any sort of paper – yes I can!

Do you know what I often feel glum about? Those loopy letters that I never sent. I failed. Maybe I will still send something to the addresses I have – though some of you have probably moved – which could be interesting!

More tomorrow.

Calligraphy and Spelling

Calligraphy has been in the news lately thanks to Stephanie von Werthern-Gill writing 11,500 words of exquisite copperplate for the King’s coronation roll. I feel a faint coming on at the very thought of being asked to do such a thing! She must have nerves of steel. She wrote all those words without making one single spelling mistake!! I am in awe.

By comparison, here is a recent practice sheet of mine where I was recalling, from my poor memory, Shakespeare’s Sonnet 116….

copperplate calligraphy with spelling errors aplenty

What the hell are impendiments????? And what is a Zeba??? And why, in the middle of trying to recall a Shakespearian sonnet did I suddenly feel the need to write Zebra – for that is what I believe I wanted to write – ?????
Let me not be too harsh on myself as this was most definitely a practice sheet where I was actually testing the nib/ink/paper combination – hence why I switched to black ink towards the bottom of the paper. [Hunt22B, Gouache, then Higgins Eternal, on Crown paper, for those who want to know]

Normal practice on a Rhodia pad looks like this:-

Rhodia pad for copperplate practice

Normal practice, for me, is just about rhythm and flow, and making sure I can still hold a pen. Please note, my numerals are always a bit hit and miss – mostly miss.
Anyhow, I have now set myself a challenge to see how many words of calligraphy I can write without making an appalling spellinges mistake – my current record is 67.

There may well be another calligraphy post on Friday. Who knows. Maybe there will be more about impendiments and Zebas. Excituing!!

Ten Days…..

Jon is away on holiday for 10 days. He is off to Spain for his annual break. I have quipped that I will stand in whilst he is absent, how hard can it be to write a blog post everyday for a week and a bit???? How hard can it be for someone who has barely posted anything since Autumn 2023????
If I am covering for Jon in his absence then all I need to do is make mention of significant birthdays and death days; do a few reviews; photograph my back passage; and BE CONSISTENT. I can do that. Plus, I will make a concerted effort to reply to any blog comments, if I get any.

Today’s significant birthdays – well, obviously Klemens von Metternich (1773-1859) immediately springs to mind. Happy birthday, Klemmy!!!

My back passage…

The Review:- The Fortune Hotel ITV 9pm weeknights – The Traitors meets Deal or No Deal. Easy going background telly. You can fall asleep on the sofa and not really miss anything.

And an obligatory tune…

I will be back tomorrow, maybe. And maybe I’ll even get around to visiting my Blogging chums.

A Big Pink Thing

Now should I cause a sideboard invasion for Mr Devine’s birthday??? I know Mitzi would appreciate a big pink thing on her sideboard, but no, I think I shall keep this big pink birthday greeting on my own blog.


I have been taking photos in readiness for the garden COMPETITION in October/November, just so you know!